
I posted recently about some of the classroom education and wanted to post a few pictures of some of the vocational activities.

As we prepare for teams, it is still a way the kids can learn.  Some of the older girls work in the kitchen to prepare meals for the teams while some of the boys may help with the physical labour.  It is a great way for the kids to interact.  Not only do they learn social skills, they build relationships.

When the kids get out of school, they all have lunch together before the boys return to the hacienda.  While they wait, they do anything from homework, play football,  enjoy the playground or hang out.  Recently a couple of the boys have decided to rebuild a dilapidated Foosball table. 

We also have a volunteer that comes in and teaches sewing class.  The sewing machines have been donated over the past years.  With the boys moved to the other facility, the directors decided to make one of the dorms an official sewing room.  It is a tremendous blessing as the kids improve their skills.  The youth group especially love it when it is time for them to do a skit.  They become very creative with what they can make from old clothes and scrap material.

Ira, Paco and Kike have been doing some preparation for projects and Tonita cleaning the bodega.  I have been working in the kitchen this week and enjoying time with other volunteers.

Romans 8:28  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.



I usually post about many of the projects and things involving the kids.  Today I wanted to share with you some information on the educating growth happening here.  Many of the kids came to Pan de Vida under 12 years of age.  As they have grown, Dario strives to grow them with a Christian education.  Now that several of the kids have graduated High School, he is now incorporating college level opportunities.  I want to Thank Elena for sharing this information with me, so you can all have a glimpse into this ministry.

Pan de Vida recently hosted a conference for Christian higher education in Mexico.  Many Christian educators, directors of Christian institutions, Christian philosophy and pedagogy students were in attendance.

During the week, 4 certification seminars were held on Christian philosophy for students from Juan Calvino Seminary in Mexico City.  These students are  working toward finishing their masters degree in theology.  The seminars also served as an introduction to the masters in the philosophy of teaching program that ILMES is initiating this semester in Pan de Vida.  (Note: ILMES is the college of Pan de Vida- the Mexican Free Institute of Superior Studies)  Several of the children that have grown up in Pan de Vida are taking this course.  It is wonderful to see God working in their lives. 

Pan de Vida also hosted the bi-yearly AMECES meeting (for the Mexican Association of Christian Higher Education).  Directors of the Christian high school and college institutions around Mexico arrived to discuss plans for the promotion of Christian education in the state.  Many plans are being made during the 
meeting to open up the doors for more Christian schools and universities here!  Praise the Lord for the work He is doing in education in Mexico!

Finally, a conference was held by the director of Faro, a Christian publishing house in Mexico.  Many of the Christian institutions, especially Pan de Vida, want to publish more Christian literature in Spanish.  Elena, a volunteer at Pan de Vida  has been asked to translate Christian literature from English to Spanish. Please keep her in prayer as she undertakes this task.

In addition to the news of the conference...the children received new uniform sweaters.  These are pull over fleece with pockets and will definitely be handy on the cool mornings and in classroom.

Deuteronomy 6:5-7  Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.  These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.  Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.


The Apartments

Here are a few photos to update the progress of the apartments being built above the kitchen.  With the rapid growth of Pan de Vida, it has become evident to have consistent and long term volunteers.  Most volunteers are individuals but some are married and have families and we want to be able to encourage them to continue their service.

The end of January will start the season of several teams coming to contribute to the work. They will be doing a variety of projects from installing dry wall, tiling, painting and many other odd and ends.

I have also added a photo of the school from the view of the apartments.

Psalm 57:10 For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.


starting the tiling in apartments 

open doorways to bedroom areas 

this will be living room, kitchen, bathroom

this is the entrance alley to all apts

from the back...the apts far end

the finished Christian School

And we're back!

I apologize that it has been so long between posts but as most of you know, we have been on furlough in Canada.  We are now back at Pan de Vida so you can look forward to the updates being more regular.  I am sure we have a lot to catch up on, so I will try to get some posts on what has been happening while we were away.

The time was very refreshing for us.  The last 1½ yrs of service at Pan de Vida have come with it's personal hurdles in adapting to the culture, language and being removed from what was familiar to us.  Going back to Canada, God confirmed to us that being content isn't about where we are geographically but where we are internally. We come back with refreshed spirits to His service.

Children of Hope has added another home to it's ministry.  It is an outreach to the Otomi tribe in Amealco, which is about 1½ hrs from Pan de Vida. The people are indigineous and live high in the mountains.  Pastor Lalo and his wife Claudia have been faithful in ministering to this area.  Thanks to many teams, a local community center has been built where many of the locals can get a formal education and Church can be attended.  

The Otomi have a language of their own and it took 40 yrs for the New Testament to be translated.  We are thankful that God has brought them to this point and that there are volunteers commited to disciple them in their walk with Jesus Christ.  We have been blessed to have teams come in to help with work projects and also hold eye clinics.  Even lessons in proper hygiene on how to protect their eyes, clean their teeth is necessary.  

I have posted a few pictures from our trip there in August.  Please keep this ministry in your prayers.  More information can be found on www.childrenofhope.info

Habakkuk 1:5  "Look at the nations and watch-and be utterly amazed.  For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.."