Generous Donation!

Since arriving at Pan de Vida, we have seen how the power of prayer has been revealed.  As you know, the water here has to be trucked in.  The old water truck was 30 years old and continuously breaking down.  This would cause us to be without water or have to order it which cost about 4 times the price to get it yourself.  

A local company, Sika, made a generous donation for a new water truck and it made it's arrival here last week.  Again, just when we needed it.  Agustine, who is the driver of the water truck had been suffering from problems with a hernia and had been unable to get water for about a week, plus each trip he returns with cramps in his shoulders from the lack of power steering in such a tank of a vehicle.

The first trip was actually an event here.  We had so much fun teasing Agustine how now he can use one hand to turn the steering wheel and actually a finger if he likes.  He says just one hand, he doesn't want to show off with the one finger turn style.  Now he says he will lose the muscle in his upper arm.  We are so happy that now the task of getting water will be much easier and maybe more often for the residents here.  God is so good ~ all the time!!

The donors even had Pan de Vida logo put on the truck and on the back it basically says that the truck transports water for the kids of the Orphanage Pan de Vida. 

I am also posting some pictures of the kids and their homemade kites.  There were some old VHS movies, so the kids used the tape as string and grocery bags to capture the wind.  They entertained  themselves for hours.  JaJa couldn't keep his pants up so Ira even used the VHS tape to make a belt for him.


Happy New Year

In our culture, we have always given gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.  In Mexico, King's Day is a day to give gifts and is symbolic to when the wisemen were sent by the king to search for the child (Jesus) and by following the star they had seen in the east, they did find him in a manger.  Immediately they bowed down and worshiped him and presented him with gifts of gold, incense and myrrh.

This day is celebrated on Jan 6th in Mexico.  Since the children here at Pan de Vida had been provided gifts more around the time of Jesus' birth, they used this day to go to the community of Amealco and give gifts to other kids.  The people who live their are very shy and their lifestyle is much the same as their ancestors.  The language they speak is actually unique.  It took 40 years for the New Testament to be translated into their language.  The children were provided with gifts and also Christian literature, provided by Samaritan's Purse, that summarizes the life of Jesus was passed out to the families as well.  I think it is a great way to teach the kids here how to give for they had received.