Well, can you believe it? School's out for summer! Last Friday, Pan de Vida held it's end of the year program, recognizing the students that had been promoted from Primary School to Jr High and those from Jr High to High School. Also following in tradition, each class did a special performance to Glorify God and His provisions for another successful semester.
As technology advances, most guests now attend with digital cameras and video recorders. The kid's felt extra special as more people took the front row and even sat in the aisle to document their dances and skits. You can tell by the smiles on their face that it makes them feel extra special to have the undivided attention of their peers. They all practiced hard and were very dedicated to coming together to present the message of their selected song.
This year, we had a volunteer, Nadia, come to give art lessons to some of the students. The pieces of art were displayed in the auditorium for the end of year event. I was so impressed by their imagination, creativity and skill. It reminds me once again that we all have gifts in one way or another and they can be combined to do a great work and often create a masterpiece.

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