A couple of weeks ago, Ira and I had the pleasure of going to Amealco to celebrate with the indigenous Otomi. The last of April marks The Day of the Child and May 10th, in Mexico, is Mother's Day. Lalo and Claudia had arranged for special events and had asked us if we would like to come to celebrate and also help with one of the programs, a surprise wrestling match. We were excited to be a part of something that would be a first for many of the Otomi.
We started the morning by going to a community about an hour from us to collect the wrestling ring and helpers. This wasn't just some 'make shift' ring. It was official 6x6 meter square, made of steel, and very heavy duty. During the process of getting it loaded on the Pan de Vida donation truck, I learned that these guys are recovering addicts. They live in the rehabilitation/support center where they work through the 12 step program. The wrestling is an activity they are involved in that helps them earn income and get focused on activities that keep them from the temptations of the street life. We had a 2 hour drive to Amealco and had a chance to talk about the meaning of life, hope, the salvation through Jesus and the purpose He has for our lives.
Once we got to Amealco, the work of assembling the ring began while some of the other activities took place. There was the regular breakfast program. A Biblical Message was presented to the women. The children were ministered to through Pamplin the clown and Dr. Simi. They really captured the children's attention through some games and laughtered echoed through the whole property. The kid's were then presented with gifts of balls and school supplies. The Mother's and Grandmother's were given new towels.
The finale was the wrestling match. Even the older guys from the community showed up for this. As everyone gathered to go outside and saw the ring, you could hear the mumbles and questions of "what's going on?" Well, the wrestlers left no detail out. They put on the whole show from a grand entrance to a dramatic ending. After it was over, everyone wanted autographs and pictures. I know God's heart must almost burst when He sees his children filled with joy and laughter.

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