The little ones are a big help to Ira on his current project. When the paving block project was started behind the kitchen and auditorium, Ira had to make an auxiliary route for the water to be delivered. Now that he has the blocks to a point that vehicles can soon drive on them, he decided to keep the water route as a secondary line for when we have lots of rain or other things that will prevent the water truck passage.
The older boys helped dig up the path and bury the PVC piping and the little ones came to pitch in as Ira put the landscaping back together. They truly were a help by handing blocks, putting screened sand in place and hammering the blocks to compact them. It was so funny though when the youngest, Lupita, thought it was a better idea to start building a sand castle in the middle of where everyone was working.
Of course it takes 2-3 times as long to get it done but the most important thing is for the kids to be praised for their contribution and willingness to pitch in. A reminder that they love for their peers to spend time with them even if it is work which actually turned into a fun project for all of us.

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