Two couples, Dionisio and Conchita Mares who were supervisors of the boys of Pan de Vida for almost 12 years, along with Agustine and Geno Zuñíga who were direct overseers of the youngest boys for 5 years, have felt led to start another Orphanage. They remained in the rental house that Pan de Vida had in Los Angeles as they started the logistics with DIF, the Mexican Government. However, the current lease will expire the end of this month and they want to move toward more permanent housing to build on the vision that God has given them. They have already established the Casa Hogar (Orphanage) and named it Esperanza Para Ti~Hope for You and they have 6 children.
There is a property about 10 minutes from Pan de Vida on the outskirts of the small community of Los Angeles that the couple have found. It is currently for sale and has great potential to be built into a functioning facility to house 50-80 kids. The owner is allowing them to do some repairs and get things ready so they can move in at the end of the month. Ira is going to help with some of the plumbing and installations of proper bathrooms etc.
They will pay rent each month and have faith that funding will come in so they can purchase the property. The owner will apply any rent paid toward the purchase price if they buy it within a certain time frame. Once the property is bought, they will then be able to proceed with construction and hosting teams for these projects. Currently there is a small home on the property that will get them by as the logistics to purchase get worked out. It really touches my heart to see them step out in faith to basically start from the ground and work their way up to make room for more kids to live and come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
This past weekend, they hosted a meal of grilled fish at the new property and invited Ira and me. As always, food and fellowship was abundant. It was very uplifting to see the hope they have in this new journey they are starting. Already there is a barn and they have it stocked with chickens, turkeys, rabbits and sheep to grow. Also there are fruit trees surrounding the property, about 4 fish ponds that are fully stocked and lots of space for gardens. We continue to pray for them all as they face the challenge they feel God has prepared them for to build Esperanza para Ti and grow kids under the authority of God.

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