
Let the parties begin!!  The older youth of Pan de Vida took on the task of decorating the auditorium.  It is really nice to have the lights, wreaths and tree to give special atmosphere to the season.  Having come from Canada where we almost always have a White Christmas, it is exceptionally welcoming to have the decorations to give the feel of Christmas in 25-30 C (80-95F) temperatures.  As I type this in our apartment above the kitchen, I can hear the kids in the dining room practicing for their Christmas Cantata.  Another reminder that the day of our Saviour's birth is quickly approaching.  Plus~ what is more angelic than hearing a choir of children sing for the Lord?!
Many local businesses and organizations have been hosting parties for the kids.  Some come to the Orphanage and do puppet shows, games and always have piñatas full of candy.  They also present each child with a personal gift.  One business gave much needed toiletries like shampoos, deodorant, hair gels etc.  Another company had "Adopt a Child"  program. The employees received a picture of the child they were sponsoring and were also given the sizes necessary for clothes.  We went to the business and they had organized for the kids to have a small snack lunch and be entertained.  Afterward, each employee was able to give the gift personally to their child.  In addition to balls, colors and other toys, the kids mostly received shoes, shirts and jeans which they can always use.  
It is a true blessing for the kids to receive these gifts as they are things they can use but at the same time, we all anticipate Christmas Eve where we will gather for a special meal together and the children can perform their concert for us.  That is the night where the true meaning will be revealed to us and that we will embrace so the kids will understand the significance of the gifts.   In the meantime, we have 130 kids bouncing off the walls from sugar overload :)

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