I am sorry my posts have been brief and far between but I have technical difficulties. In addition to not having regular internet service, both my cameras decided to be moody on me at the same time leaving me with few photos. The internet service is still "sketchy" but I was able to find a signal on the patio of the consturction site but being outside makes it hard to see the screen so I wanted to quickly add a couple of posts to wrap up the year.
The children of Pan de Vida auditioned for the Symphonic Choir of Querétaro to participate in the Christmas concert that was going to be held in one of the parks of the Historical Center of the city. There were 24 children selected according to vocal skills and dedication to practices to join the 300 person choir. During practices, there was much time spent on the tone of the voices along with posture and presentation.
We made sure we got to the park early so we could get good seats. When the kids saw us there, it really encouraged them and my heart burst when they came to the bleachers for positions and they would look for us and give us the waves to confirm they were so excited. The park was packed with people and there were large screens set up for people in the back to see along with it being aired on a local radio station.
The kids sang so beautifully. It was nice to hear the familiar Christmas Worship songs to our Saviour. After the concert, the children then had a special supper with the Govenor and all the organizers of the event. It was indeed a special day and it absolutely made the kids all feel special in what they were doing...as they should have...I wish you could have all heard it.
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