Pan de Vida, being a member of Christian Education in Mexico and through it's ILMES Bachelor of Pedegogy program, hosted this years IAPCHE (International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education) conference Nov 13-16.  The event had speakers, teachers and guests not only from Mexico but also from the United States, Costa Rica and Guatemala. 

The conference was aimed toward topics on what Christian education really is and how to apply it in the classroom.  It is more than saying prayers to begin the day and memorizing scripture.  The speakers emphasized the importance of using Christian and Biblical application in the classroom involving all aspects from evaluation, discipline and activities to the cirriculum.  The goal is to show and promote love to the students that will equip them to be ambassadors for the Kingdom of God.

Since many of the ILMES students of Pan de Vida are graduates from the school in Pan de Vida, it was exciting for them to meet and work with other Christian Teachers who shared visions and testimonies of their own ministries. 

With over 30 guests in addition to the Pan de Vida ILMES student and staff, lots of hard work went not only into the preparation but also into the daily activities over the 4 days.  Pan de Vida had a great team from the registration desk to the Tia and girls who prepared the meals.  All and all the conference ignited everyone involved and we now pray that flame will be spread to the students and other Christian Institutes in Mexico.

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