This past week The Levi Youth Group of Pan de Vida, which is made of the youth age 15 and over, hosted Summer Bible School for children under 15. The closing won't be until Sat Aug 8th but we have a team arriving from Canada and going to Amealco for an outreach ministry so I wanted to post some pictures and information now.
Elena and Paco, the Youth group leaders did an excellent job of organizing and coordinating the whole event. It was also great to see them facilitate many activities to the youth. The Levi worked very hard on all the decorations and props. They all displayed great team work as they performed to the songs and led the workshops. Their ideas were very creative and it really kept the kids attention.
As of Thursday, we had 145 kids under the age of 15 attending the Summer Bible School and 50 of those were from outside the orphanage. We had a van daily go to the colonies to pick up the kids who wanted to attend. This made the total in attendance over 200 when you included the Levi Youth Group and volunteers. Each day more and more visitors came and even 11 adults started attending. Levi had arranged for a workshop for the parents and when the number increased, Ira and Lupillo were scrambling to make more of the projects. We hope these will be things they can take home and be reminders of what they have learned in this week. We also pray they will attend church and grow in faith. It is so true that so many are hungry for the Daily Bread and thirsty for the Living Water.
The theme this year was Hecho a Mano which is Made by Hand in English. It is a lesson on how God is the potter and we are the clay. The life of Peter and his experiences were used in each lesson and the children were taught how God takes an ordinary man and makes him to be a follower of much so Peter was a rock...a chip off the ole block you might say. They learned of the storms he faced and the victories he made. Each lesson was introduced by a skit.
Each morning session started with the theme song to actions along with a couple of other songs. We will all be humming and singing these for many days to come. Then there was scripture memory time. How precious it was to hear all those sweet voices reciting the scripture as they learned it. I know for me personally this is a great thing because the scriptures I am most familiar with are the ones I use the most to apply in my life.
After the opening, the kids were divided into age appropriate Bible studies and workshops. Their were also workshops where they made crafts and played games. Even the instructions to the games were explained in life application. For example when they had to run a distance but only using the stepping stones, if they fell off they had to start over. Much how when we walk, God directs our steps but many times we slip and it sets us back but we start over and start taking the steps again.
The little ones had a craft with bread and the butter was colored blue to represent the water and then raisins were added that were the footprints where Jesus walked on water. It made my heart smile when I saw the little ones eating these during lesson time after. They had blue faces, tongues and teeth.
After the workshops, the kids had snack time and were able to run off much energy from being so still for a while and then they returned to the auditorium for more song and actions and testing on how well they remembered the scriptures they had learned so far. Each day had the kids excited to come and learn more. We especially pray that those from outside of Pan de Vida will feel welcome and attend Sunday School and church and come to know Jesus and Lord and Saviour. That we will all be surrendered to being molded by the potters hands.
Isaiah 64:8 Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter, we are the work of your hand.

I can't post as many photos as I would like so here is a link to my facebook album on Hecho a Mano~enjoy
Elena and Paco, the Youth group leaders did an excellent job of organizing and coordinating the whole event. It was also great to see them facilitate many activities to the youth. The Levi worked very hard on all the decorations and props. They all displayed great team work as they performed to the songs and led the workshops. Their ideas were very creative and it really kept the kids attention.
As of Thursday, we had 145 kids under the age of 15 attending the Summer Bible School and 50 of those were from outside the orphanage. We had a van daily go to the colonies to pick up the kids who wanted to attend. This made the total in attendance over 200 when you included the Levi Youth Group and volunteers. Each day more and more visitors came and even 11 adults started attending. Levi had arranged for a workshop for the parents and when the number increased, Ira and Lupillo were scrambling to make more of the projects. We hope these will be things they can take home and be reminders of what they have learned in this week. We also pray they will attend church and grow in faith. It is so true that so many are hungry for the Daily Bread and thirsty for the Living Water.
The theme this year was Hecho a Mano which is Made by Hand in English. It is a lesson on how God is the potter and we are the clay. The life of Peter and his experiences were used in each lesson and the children were taught how God takes an ordinary man and makes him to be a follower of much so Peter was a rock...a chip off the ole block you might say. They learned of the storms he faced and the victories he made. Each lesson was introduced by a skit.
Each morning session started with the theme song to actions along with a couple of other songs. We will all be humming and singing these for many days to come. Then there was scripture memory time. How precious it was to hear all those sweet voices reciting the scripture as they learned it. I know for me personally this is a great thing because the scriptures I am most familiar with are the ones I use the most to apply in my life.
After the opening, the kids were divided into age appropriate Bible studies and workshops. Their were also workshops where they made crafts and played games. Even the instructions to the games were explained in life application. For example when they had to run a distance but only using the stepping stones, if they fell off they had to start over. Much how when we walk, God directs our steps but many times we slip and it sets us back but we start over and start taking the steps again.
The little ones had a craft with bread and the butter was colored blue to represent the water and then raisins were added that were the footprints where Jesus walked on water. It made my heart smile when I saw the little ones eating these during lesson time after. They had blue faces, tongues and teeth.
After the workshops, the kids had snack time and were able to run off much energy from being so still for a while and then they returned to the auditorium for more song and actions and testing on how well they remembered the scriptures they had learned so far. Each day had the kids excited to come and learn more. We especially pray that those from outside of Pan de Vida will feel welcome and attend Sunday School and church and come to know Jesus and Lord and Saviour. That we will all be surrendered to being molded by the potters hands.
Isaiah 64:8 Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter, we are the work of your hand.

I can't post as many photos as I would like so here is a link to my facebook album on Hecho a Mano~enjoy
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