As always December is a busy month of activities for the children as they celebrate the birth of Jesus! Many businesses and local organizations come throughout the Christmas break and Bless the children in a variety of ways. Some bring food, others gifts of toiletries, another gifts of a new outfit or shoes and some minister through skits and song. One school group came at lunch time and shared their personal box lunches with the children.
The orphanage has had many piñata parties and donations of Rosca de Reyes which is Three Kings Bread. Rosca is the name given to any ring-shaped bread or cookie. This sweet bread was once used by the friars to evangelize: a small doll, representing the Christ child, is baked right in the bread- "hidden", to symbolize the hiding of the infant from King Herod's troops on the day of Los Santos Inocentes/the Holy Innocents. This treat is traditionally served on the Three Kings Day, when the children receive their toys. Whoever gets the slice of rosca with the doll in it has to provide the tamales and atole for the next party on Feb 2nd.
Christmas Eve is a special time for the children and volunteers of Pan de Vida. The kids have a concert with each age group doing a special presentation through skit or song. Then Tio, the Director, gave the Biblical Message. Afterward everyone sang Christmas Carols in praise to Jesus who was born to be our Saviour. Following the service a traditional meal was shared and everyone stayed up throughout the night continuing fellowship around a bonfire or watching movies.
We are thankful for the opportunity allowing the children to worship Jesus in such a special way and become more aware of who He IS!

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