I am sorry it has been so long since my last post. For the most part everything is pretty routine with the kids in school. We know this will soon change as Christmas Holidays approach. In the past it has proven to be a very busy time starting as early as November with it being the season that most companies want to do something special for children.
Sunday November 6th is Global Orphan Sunday. It is a great time for you to start sponsoring a child and investing in their future if you don't already. You can contact www.childrenofhope.info in Canada or www.orphanos.org in the USA
I love the opening statement in the Orphanos brochure and I think it sums it up the best.
I am an orphan, but I am not a ghost. Please see my body. Don't try to meet my spiritual needs when my stomach is empty. I am orphan, but I am not a corpse. Please see my spirit. Don't bring health to my body but leave my soul undernourished. You will only prepare me for my burial. Feed me. Clothe me. Teach me. Love me. Give me the opportunity to choose to know my Father. Then I will no longer be an orphan.

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