Daily Vacation Bible School at Pan de Vida was a huge success. This year the theme was Hidden Treasures/Tesoros Escondidos! The youth group and leaders worked very hard in preparation and God blessed the ministry abundantly with not only the children of Pan de Vida attending but also close to 200 children and parents from 4 surrounding communities. Some of the vans had to go back and forth 3 times to each area to bring everyone in.
The auditorium and classrooms were decorated with a jungle theme and each day different "treasures" were discovered. The Biblical lessons were based from Jesus' parables about The Mustard Seed, The Yeast, The Good Samaritan, The Good Shepherd, The Great Banquet, the Pearl of Great Price, and The Net, and each with a corresponding Scripture verse.
In addition to the classroom teaching, lessons were done through drama, cooking classes, crafts, games and songs with actions. The whole week was filled with excitement with each activity. Even the Moms of the children were ministered to through workshops set up for them. Each day the kids made more progress on the memorization and actions to the songs for the final presentations.
The evangelism was truly blessed by all the hard work from each volunteer that exercised their spiritual gift through service whether it was teaching classes, cooking, driving vans to pick up children, doing the sound for music, etc. Everyone worked together as "The Body of Christ" and all the glory goes to God!

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