Pan de Vida had a special service this past Sunday as we celebrated Resurrection Day! Everyone was up before dawn to attend the 6am Sunrise service. We started with a time of worship and Pastor Justo presenting the message on Jesus' Resurrection and our victory of life eternal for those who believe. We then had a very meaningful time of communion.
The youth group ended the service with a couple of performances. They did a skit on Jesus' saving power and then a cardboard testimony. It was very impacting as each one went up and displayed a piece of cardboard that explained their prior bondage and then flipped it over to reveal how God has worked in their life. It was very emotional and an opportunity to reflect on how God is changing them.
After the service we all shared a traditional Mexican breakfast of tamales, atole, a thick, hot flavored drink and buñelos, which is a flat, sugared, fried bread. It was a true celebration to our Risen Saviour.

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