Update of sorts

This is a brief update on the progress of some of the projects.  Ira and Paco have worked very hard and in extreme heat to get the septic system in and functioning before rainy season hits.  Just the brief rains we had in Jan and Feb washed out the previous one and filled the filters with mud.  Each team contributed to getting another area prepped and temporary system installed.  Ira and Paco have built a new holding tank and got it all hooked up and the filtered water is being put on the newly sodded football field.  A pump house and tops need to be built and the area around it needs to be groomed some but at least now we have a place for everything to go.

The football field is starting to produce lots of green grass. The last bits of sod arrived in the night after the delivery truck had been broke down in the intense heat all day.  Ira, Justo and the boys enjoyed the time of working until after midnight to get the sod unrolled.  The directors ordered pizza and it was a welcome change to have the coolness of the night to work compared to the scolding sun.   Ira has been rotating the sprinklers mornings and evenings with the help of Yaya.  He had never seen a sprinkler and is just amazed at how he turns a knob and water comes out and rotates.  When he gets out of school, he goes to look for Ira so he can help.

In addition to these projects, the boys now have an official laundry area.  Now that I do the laundry for the boys, I learned quickly the benefits of having a husband who is a Jack of all trades.  There was a small room originally built for washers but lack of water pressure, it was easier to fill the machines with hoses which meant they needed to be outside to give room to reach around back. The Waterloo/Seaforth team bought new washers for the boys and girls and we were then faced with the need for hook ups.  Ira rerouted water lines and installed some proper copper piping to connect the machines so they can work the way intended.  Now we have the new and old ones all functioning and lots of clothes are getting washed daily.

Ira also received a much needed gift from the Waterloo/Seaforth team of some tools for the workshop.  It has been a real blessing to see everyone working together to improve these areas of ministry.

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