It has been a very eventful week at Pan de Vida. It started out with the church sending the Mom's on a Mother's Day brunch. It was a wonderful time of Christian fellowship and devotional. We focused on Psalm 1:2-3.
The Directors, Dario and Elena, also returned from a trip to Iowa where they attended the graduation of Veronica (Vero). She grew up at Pan de Vida and has attended Dordt for the last 3 years where she took extra credits to fulfill the requirements to graduate. She will now do her student teaching.
Cecy, who also grew up in Pan de Vida and is sister to Vero and Ana, who volunteers at Dulce Refugio in Aguascalientes, is home visiting for 6 weeks. She has been in India for 2 years attending a University there in studies of social services. She shared her testimony on how God has stretched her and strengthened her through cross-cultural challenges.
Then this past weekend, Nayeli graduated from the ILMES program taught at Pan de Vida. ILMES, the nickname for the Instituto Libre de México de Estudios Superiores (Free Mexican Institute for Higher Education) is the christian college based in Pan de Vida which currently offers a bachelor degree in education. She will now move in late July or early August to an Orphanage in Puerta Vallarta to teach and work.
It is such a blessing to see these girls, who have been at Pan de Vida since they were very young, become women and disciples in their own ministry. God has molded them into fine young ladies full of energy and passion to serve.
Psalm 1:2-3 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water. which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.

Angie leading devotional

Mother's Day brunch/devotional

Tio and Cecy


presentation of diploma

The ILMES class, Elena(far right) is a volunteer staff member and instructor for the course
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