Fun for Everyone!

Pan de Vida had a whirlwind of a day and fun was had by everyone.  Malen, who works in the office, organized a local business to do a day project at the school of painting the classrooms and exterior along the courtyard. They also painted one wall in the auditorium. The team consisted of 120 members from the local Sabrito/Pepsico...which is equal to Lays potato chip and Pepsi company.

Each team member sponsored a child for the day and brought them a gift.  The day started by them arriving in a caravan of vehicles and buses.  When 120 people come, and most were all at the same time, there is a certain energy about it for sure.  Then the team member was paired with their child for the day and they had one on one time.  It was so encouraging to see each child have someone to talk and share with.  You could tell the team members were very interested in their lives and giving them all encouragement to continue toward their dreams.  It was also a time for the children to witness to their sponsor about their life with Christ.

After the one on one time, the "couples" were then made into teams.  Each delegated to a certain area of the school that they would be working on together.  It was nice to see the kids enjoy the work along side their mentor and bond and have lots of laughs together.

There was also a couple of Mexicans that came fully dressed as revolutionist and entertained the little ones.  It was so very hot outside, but the kids didn't let that interfere with the games. 

Eventually it was lunch time, so the gifts were then given to the kids and we all came together in the dining hall to share a meal and watch an inspirational power point presentation.  Everyone got distracted with spending time together that the work never got finished, but we all know the most important part of what happens is more about the relationship.  The company is going to hire some people to come and finish the job and then the school will be fresh as school comes to a close and ready for new classes after summer break.

Proverbs 16:9  In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. 



It has been a very eventful week at Pan de Vida.  It started out with the church sending the Mom's on a Mother's Day brunch. It was a wonderful time of Christian fellowship and devotional.  We focused on Psalm 1:2-3.  

The Directors, Dario and Elena, also returned from a trip to Iowa where they attended the graduation of Veronica (Vero).  She grew up at Pan de Vida and has attended Dordt for the last 3 years where she took extra credits to fulfill the requirements to graduate.  She will now do her student teaching.

Cecy, who also grew up in Pan de Vida and is sister to Vero and Ana, who volunteers at Dulce Refugio in Aguascalientes, is home visiting for 6 weeks.  She has been in India for 2 years attending a University there in studies of social services.  She shared her testimony on how God has stretched her and strengthened her through cross-cultural challenges. 

Then this past weekend, Nayeli graduated from the ILMES program taught at Pan de Vida. ILMES, the nickname for the Instituto Libre de México de Estudios Superiores (Free Mexican Institute for Higher Education) is the christian college based in Pan de Vida which currently offers a bachelor degree in education.  She will now move in late July or early August to an Orphanage in Puerta Vallarta to teach and work.

It is such a blessing to see these girls, who have been at Pan de Vida since they were very young, become women and disciples in their own ministry.  God has molded them into fine young ladies full of energy and passion to serve.

Psalm 1:2-3  But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.  He is like a tree planted by streams of water. which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.  Whatever he does prospers.

Angie leading devotional 

Mother's Day brunch/devotional 


Tio and Cecy 


presentation of diploma

The ILMES class, Elena(far right) is a volunteer staff member and instructor for the course

For The Kingdom!

Exciting news!  We have 13 new brothers and sisters for the Eternal Kingdom!!!  On Mother's Day, they were Baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit by our Associate Pastor Paco.  They have been attending classes leading up to the Baptism with our Pastor Justo and Paco. They were instructed on the fact that the Baptism is their public declaration and symbolism to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  

It is very important that they understand the importance of making a commitment of faith in Christ Jesus. They will continue to be discipled and taught in prayer, studying the Bible, understanding spiritual gifts and understanding the trials of a Christian life.  We love that God has cleansed them white as snow!!!

Our Prayer~God of Grace and Mercy, we give you our humble and heartfelt thanks for our Saviour Jesus Christ, who died for sins, was buried and was raised on the third day.  We ask you to accept these, your children, as they come to you in baptism.  We pray that they may be united by faith with Christ in His church, and receive forgiveness of sins, and the gift of the Holy Spirit, as you have promised.  May they walk with Christ throughout life.  Keep them strong in faith, in hope and in love.  Pour out on them the rich gifts of your grace, that they may serve you in the building up of your Church.  Protect them in all the trails and temptations of this life, and, at the end, give the precious gift of eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!

Acts 2:38-39 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.  And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off-for all whom the Lord our God will call."

Paco addressing the congregation 

songs of Praise 

love the faces here as they watch

Paco giving instruction 














names to be updated soon...they are not from Pan de Vida but members of families that attend the church.


after service celebration with elote(corn) and sangria

Updates on Pan de Vida

As many of you know, Mexico has an outbreak of swine flu.  We understand it has been carried to many parts of the United States and Canada.  As a precaution all of the schools and many public places where large groups gather have been closed to slow the spread and allow the government to get a hold of the situation.  Most of the people that died in the beginning are believed to be people that did not seek medical attention in time, probably thinking it was the regular flu...which by the way, 35,000 people in the US alone die from every year.  We are thankful that there is a vaccine now that can treat this condition.  

The volunteers that are going to public places and picking up donations, etc. are striving very hard to follow the procedure in preventatives.  Our on-site school has also been closed since many students do come from surrounding colonies.  In the meantime, life at Pan de Vida, has been pretty routine.  The teachers have given assignments to keep the school progress current.

I thought I would share some pictures of a day in the life at Pan de Vida.  The Orphanage has received a gigantic donation of clothes.  It seems to be something that the kids receive the most of.  As much as it is a blessing, there is an abundance of it.  We only have so much storage space, so the clothes are sorted and then some are passed on in outreaches to very poor areas in the city.  Some of it is stained and badly worn and thrown out, and some of it is used for material in the sewing room.  The youth group is very productive through drama, and with the kids learning to sew, they make most of their costumes.

Children of Hope started the child sponsorship program  to fill in the gaps of the other needs of the children at Pan de Vida, Dulce Refugio and The Otomi House.  Daily expenses include food, water, electricity, medical, maintenance, propane, and gas, which has become a huge expence with the boys now living at the hacienda and coming back and forth daily.  There are many other costs, but that gives you an idea.  We are blessed to have teams that come and fund major building projects.  God has been so faithful in His provisions and each one of you are a partner in it all.  Especially those who continue to pray for us.  If you feel led to partner in this ministry through child sponsorship or a one time donation please visit the web-site

I wanted to post some pictures of a day in our life.  Aaron (Ira)  was fixing some lighting issues in the little girls dorm.  Michele is his shadow.  She followed him step for step, even when he went to the workshop.  We noticed she was gone, but knew she had been with him, so with him not there, I immediately checked the work shop and sure enough...there they both were.  Ana (a volunteer from New York and niece to Dario) worked with the medium age girls to sort the clothes.  I was mostly entertainer and hugger.  The kids love getting their pictures made and just hanging out together.  We love it too!!!!!!

2 Corinthians 8:7  But just as you excel in everything-in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us-see that you also excel in this grace of giving.