The road nears completion and just in time for the rainy season. The funding for the road was donated last year and all the logistics have finally been resolved so the road could be built. The original path road we were using turned out not to be the legal right of way and the landowner did not want to sale the land to allow for the new road. So after much surveying and discussion, the road has been rerouted a bit and now the entrance is on the other gate entrance of the visitor's dorm. It even extends a bit inside the entrance as well.
In my previous blog, I shared how Pan de Vida was built in the middle of no where with just a dirt path leading to it. Over the years, other materials were brought in to make it "better". However, in the rainy season, the road turned to a gooey clay. We have seen more of our fair share of vehicles stuck. It has taken us over an hour at times to get from the main road to the Orphanage. This also added to the condition of the vehicles. The vans are not 4 wheel drives and with the daily transportation necessary, we pray this will eliminate much of the vehicle maintenance.
The paved road was actually finished 2 weeks ago and we all had the joy to go over it a few times. However, within a couple of days, they tore up a section close to the orphanage to install a culvert and some drainage pipes. They have built a concrete bridge over the culvert and continue the piping. This will direct the flooding away from the Orphanage and mostly the school that usually happens when we have heavy rains.
Psalm 95:1-2 Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.
In my previous blog, I shared how Pan de Vida was built in the middle of no where with just a dirt path leading to it. Over the years, other materials were brought in to make it "better". However, in the rainy season, the road turned to a gooey clay. We have seen more of our fair share of vehicles stuck. It has taken us over an hour at times to get from the main road to the Orphanage. This also added to the condition of the vehicles. The vans are not 4 wheel drives and with the daily transportation necessary, we pray this will eliminate much of the vehicle maintenance.
The paved road was actually finished 2 weeks ago and we all had the joy to go over it a few times. However, within a couple of days, they tore up a section close to the orphanage to install a culvert and some drainage pipes. They have built a concrete bridge over the culvert and continue the piping. This will direct the flooding away from the Orphanage and mostly the school that usually happens when we have heavy rains.
Psalm 95:1-2 Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.

the new road

inside the gate
the "bridge" over the culvert

prepping for the culvert

digging the ditch for drains
the path of the drains
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