Ira and I are back from week 3 at the hacienda. The ministry brings mixed emotions with us seeking God's direction. There is such a need for an on-site maintenance/handyman but there is still no formal contract or funding to budget regular repairs. Just an example is that all the water from the main cistern needs to be done manually to get the water to the kitchen, dorms and bathrooms. I will be in the kitchen working or doing laundry and all of a sudden no water. The cistern is full but someone has to go there to turn the pump on to fill the holding tanks to the areas you need the water. Then you have to watch it so that the tanks don't overflow. It isn't hard, it is just something that has to be monitored since it isn't on an automatic system. And of course, you always run out of water right in the middle of doing these tasks. I won't even go into the story of me trying to get my 1st shower there. Let's just say..I got lots of exercise and ended up taking a birdbath.
As I have mentioned before, transportation has been an issue for the kids to get back and forth to Pan de Vida for School and church. This week the blue van that was being used, lost it's transmission. God had a plan already in the making because that afternoon a brand new Nissan van was donated. He always gives us what we need, just when we need it. Each time I am still amazed. The kids were so excited and I think they all fit in as they inspected it. There were nothing but smiles...God is so good!!
This week I guess the biggest blessing we got was during Tuesday night Prayer time. We first go around and say what we are thankful for. It was so humbling to hear the boys say our names over and over in gratitude for the work we are doing there. We were able to share how we have been blessed to be there and share fellowship. It has been a joy getting to know them more personally, help them with some of their English homework and learn just what their interests are. After we give Thanks to God for all these things, we then submit petitions of request. Again it is very humbling to hear them open their hearts to the struggles they go through. For us, it was a very intimate time of fellowship with each other and God. I know God heard their cries and sincere prayers. I see God responding daily.
Just the other day I watched a service on the internet. We all need nourishment and since our services are in Spanish, it is good to indulge in the Word in English. Anyway, the speaker said God doesn't tell us to be busy, He tells us to be fruitful. I was reminded of this that night. There is lots of work there but sometimes volunteers come and feel that they don't have a lot to do physically but it is more about being present in these kids lives.
Currently at the hacienda, their are 64 boys. Geno and Augustine are the only 2 adults supervising them. Now that Ira and I are there, it gives more assistance in their lives and we see the boys open more and more to our presence. Richard and Ximena come out later in the afternoon 2-3 days a week for about 3 hours and even that time, the kids spend talking to them about life stuff. They also do the Wed night devotions and the kids are learning more about God and His word.
With so few volunteers, much of the work is assigned to the kids. We witness daily the fruit God is producing. The boys are learning to cook, clean and even help with the little ones. One of the older boys with dreams to want something more in his life said that he feels God is using this as a time to mold him. He is so right and he reminded us that God is still molding us too.
As I have mentioned before, transportation has been an issue for the kids to get back and forth to Pan de Vida for School and church. This week the blue van that was being used, lost it's transmission. God had a plan already in the making because that afternoon a brand new Nissan van was donated. He always gives us what we need, just when we need it. Each time I am still amazed. The kids were so excited and I think they all fit in as they inspected it. There were nothing but smiles...God is so good!!
This week I guess the biggest blessing we got was during Tuesday night Prayer time. We first go around and say what we are thankful for. It was so humbling to hear the boys say our names over and over in gratitude for the work we are doing there. We were able to share how we have been blessed to be there and share fellowship. It has been a joy getting to know them more personally, help them with some of their English homework and learn just what their interests are. After we give Thanks to God for all these things, we then submit petitions of request. Again it is very humbling to hear them open their hearts to the struggles they go through. For us, it was a very intimate time of fellowship with each other and God. I know God heard their cries and sincere prayers. I see God responding daily.
Just the other day I watched a service on the internet. We all need nourishment and since our services are in Spanish, it is good to indulge in the Word in English. Anyway, the speaker said God doesn't tell us to be busy, He tells us to be fruitful. I was reminded of this that night. There is lots of work there but sometimes volunteers come and feel that they don't have a lot to do physically but it is more about being present in these kids lives.
Currently at the hacienda, their are 64 boys. Geno and Augustine are the only 2 adults supervising them. Now that Ira and I are there, it gives more assistance in their lives and we see the boys open more and more to our presence. Richard and Ximena come out later in the afternoon 2-3 days a week for about 3 hours and even that time, the kids spend talking to them about life stuff. They also do the Wed night devotions and the kids are learning more about God and His word.
With so few volunteers, much of the work is assigned to the kids. We witness daily the fruit God is producing. The boys are learning to cook, clean and even help with the little ones. One of the older boys with dreams to want something more in his life said that he feels God is using this as a time to mold him. He is so right and he reminded us that God is still molding us too.
JaJa is intrigued by power tools

so if he can't help...he will sing

the new van

side view
Tadeo playing house with the crates

after supper coffee and chat time
the 3 stooges with red spots on our foreheads
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