We are back in Mexico after spending a little over 2 weeks in Tennessee. My daughter and sister both had graduations within this period, allowing us opportunity to attend each one. I know how exciting graduations are since I experienced it 27 years ago...and yes...I still remember that far back!
The graduations reminded me of the goals we have in life to achieve these milestones. Something that we work toward and the joy we get when we accomplish it. Just as our walk with God. We live our life so we may finish it to spend eternity with him. One of my favorite quotes is that of William James--"The best use of life is to live for what outlasts it." It is in the meantime we try to make the best of it and give Him all the glory until then.
While we were home, I got to reunite with some classmates, my former employer and see family from Virginia beach. There were lots of mini reunions and I was blessed to have them.

Nicki the graduate

Nicki`s graduating class

receiving the diploma

Us with our girl...we are very proud of her

Nicki and her grandparents

Words of Wisdom????

My sister Jerri`s Graduation

Jerri`s graduating class

My sister Jerri...I'm so proud of her too

a reminder that the Glory belongs to God
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