What is going on at Pan De Vida?

As much as we enjoyed our time with family in Tennessee, it is nice to be back at Pan de Vida.  The students that are graduating high school have finished their classes and will graduate the last weekend in June. Also, the teachers that take the Bachelor of Pedagogy, which is a  study that prepares the teachers for the challenges  of Christian teaching,  have finished with their classes.  A few teachers are new to the course but there are a few that will receive their degree at graduation as well.

Pan de Vida has a volunteer for the summer.  Her name is Janelle and she is from a small community outside London, Ontario.  She has been a tremendous help to Geno, who looks after the 17 little boys and their dorm.  Geno and her husband Augustine have been living at the hacienda as on site supervisors for the older boys that moved out there.  Janelle has helped to keep the mountains of laundry done, cleans the dorm and in the evening helps the boys get settled and ready for bed.

While the other kids are still in school, Ira has decided to go around to all the dorms and do emergency plumbing repairs, making a list of other needs and making a list so he can follow up monthly.  It is a continuous cycle of maintenance within itself.  Then there are the other jobs of framing under stairs for storage and keeping the tires patched on the wheelbarrows..and on and on.

I am looking forward to the kids being out of school, so I can hang out with them and help them with some of their chores. This is always the most rewarding time of fellowship I have with them.  Now that we don't have any teams, I am finding it an adjustment to shift into different ministry.  I have been communicating with people to come as volunteers and organizing donations that people are giving for the 12 girls that will have their quinceƱera (15 year old event).  Plus, we are still doing the visits to the dentist, Marichuy.  She is a real blessing and makes going to the dentist entertaining.

The current construction on site is that of the apartments above the kitchen.  The walls are up and underneath the stairs, a much needed storage room has been designed for fruit and vegetable donation.  Paco is designing a durable screened type window so that air can circulate to help keep them as fresh as possible.  

Here are a few pictures as well.  I am reminded of Psalm 115:1  

Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.

Janelle doing laundry with joy 

Ira working on the drain 

sorting and cleaning a donation from Dulce Refugio

this is juice and milk...a real blessing 

me (the assistant) and Violeta at our monthly visit 

storage for vegetables and fruit still under construction

the back of the kitchen, with the apartment walls up

a view looking down on 2 of the 4 apartments being built

Back in Mexico

We are back in Mexico after spending a little over 2 weeks in Tennessee.  My daughter and sister both had graduations within this period, allowing us opportunity to attend each one.  I know how exciting graduations are since I experienced it 27 years ago...and yes...I still remember that far back! 

While we were home, I got to reunite with some classmates, my former employer and see family from Virginia beach.  There were lots of mini reunions and I was blessed to have them. 

The graduations reminded me of the goals we have in life to achieve these milestones.  Something that we work toward and the joy we get when we accomplish it.  Just as our walk with God.  We live our life so we may finish it to spend eternity with him.  One of my favorite quotes is that of William James--"The best use of life is to live for what outlasts it."  It is in the meantime we try to make the best of it and give Him all the glory until then.

Nicki the graduate 

Nicki`s graduating class

receiving the diploma 

Us with our girl...we are very proud of her 

Nicki and her grandparents

Words of Wisdom???? 

My sister Jerri`s Graduation  

Jerri`s graduating class 

My sister Jerri...I'm so proud of her too

a reminder that the Glory belongs to God