It is a work in progress. The boys have officially started moving over to the hacienda. They come to Pan de Vida after breakfast for school and after lunch they go to the new place. They have been working very hard to get the grounds cleared by chopping, raking and shoveling.
There has been little to none maintenance so there is a lot to do to get it up to par. The most important will be to get plumbing and electrical work done to accommodate immediate needs. Also, there are lots of broken tiles that need to be replaced, painting to be done and structural repairs due to the age of the property.
Currently 27 people, consisting of the oldest boys and supervisors are living at the property. The plan is that in 2 weeks the rest of the boys will move. We are waiting on transportation resolutions for this to be able to happen. It is a beautiful property with great potential and a ton of work to be done.
Please continue to pray for everyone as this transition takes place. It was very encouraging to hear the older boys say they love it and the smaller ones that they are ready to go. Some of the middle aged boys cried when they couldn't go with the older boys, even boys who have sisters here. They are family and it has shown through this experience of separation.

these are the bunks...made of concrete...which they hope to change someday

here is a view of the older boys...24 in the room

Josue's sleeping area

the area

the floor in the dining area in need of repair

the laundry room....there are 20 washboard/sinks
where they currently hang clothes to dry
a previous recycling area

one of the bathrooms in need of plumbing

the beautiful ceilings

some near the outer areas need scrubbing

a huge hothouse...3 wide...for vegetables, once repaired

potential chicken coops as well
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