During our time at Mission Training International (MTI), we learned how our lives will often be a paradox that we endearingly refer to as a 'pair o'ducks.' We have the yeah duck and the yuck duck. That is just what our life has been this last month.
It started out with preparations to enter the transition phase in ministry from Pan de Vida Orphanage in Queretaro, Mexico to La Aljaba Children's Home in Leticia, Colombia, South America. The first yuck duck was packing and selling most of our belongings. We were okay with letting go of the stuff, it was the timing of getting it sold and still needing it that added work. The yeah duck was that we were able to sell most of it and many people were blessed to also get good deals and free odds and ends that we couldn't take with us.
The next yuck duck was saying 'so long' to so many that have been our family over the last 5 years. There were a few going away parties with different fellowships we had made over the years. We were expecting that to be extra yucky but there was absolutely a peace beyond understanding that we know only comes from Jesus. It was still hard, but definitely smoother because each and every person covered us with prayer in this new journey. The yeah duck was seeing the evidence of God in their lives as they blessed us to move on. Also, we had a yeah through safe travel and uneventful crossing at the border.
Another yuck duck was facing the reality that we are officially homeless for now and living out of suitcases. But, Yeah to the fact we were going to see family and friends in Canada that we have not seen in 2 years. The most anticipated being our granddaughter, Sophie and her parents Justin and April. Our hearts burst when she greeted us as if we had never been away. The last time we saw her, she couldn't talk and now, she is fluent! I cannot tell you how much FUN and what a joy she is. I guess there is a yuck duck here as it was really hard to leave her this time. However, an added yeah duck was that Wayne, from Orphanos, was able to join us in Nova Scotia to do a presentation on the ministry of La Aljaba and educate them on the roles and vision we will be a part of when we go. It was also nice that he could meet our friends and family and get a better understanding of our culture in the small fishing village on the South Shore of Nova Scotia. We have received nothing but positive feedback and already have a few people starting the process to build a team to bring to Leticia.
It started out with preparations to enter the transition phase in ministry from Pan de Vida Orphanage in Queretaro, Mexico to La Aljaba Children's Home in Leticia, Colombia, South America. The first yuck duck was packing and selling most of our belongings. We were okay with letting go of the stuff, it was the timing of getting it sold and still needing it that added work. The yeah duck was that we were able to sell most of it and many people were blessed to also get good deals and free odds and ends that we couldn't take with us.
The next yuck duck was saying 'so long' to so many that have been our family over the last 5 years. There were a few going away parties with different fellowships we had made over the years. We were expecting that to be extra yucky but there was absolutely a peace beyond understanding that we know only comes from Jesus. It was still hard, but definitely smoother because each and every person covered us with prayer in this new journey. The yeah duck was seeing the evidence of God in their lives as they blessed us to move on. Also, we had a yeah through safe travel and uneventful crossing at the border.
Another yuck duck was facing the reality that we are officially homeless for now and living out of suitcases. But, Yeah to the fact we were going to see family and friends in Canada that we have not seen in 2 years. The most anticipated being our granddaughter, Sophie and her parents Justin and April. Our hearts burst when she greeted us as if we had never been away. The last time we saw her, she couldn't talk and now, she is fluent! I cannot tell you how much FUN and what a joy she is. I guess there is a yuck duck here as it was really hard to leave her this time. However, an added yeah duck was that Wayne, from Orphanos, was able to join us in Nova Scotia to do a presentation on the ministry of La Aljaba and educate them on the roles and vision we will be a part of when we go. It was also nice that he could meet our friends and family and get a better understanding of our culture in the small fishing village on the South Shore of Nova Scotia. We have received nothing but positive feedback and already have a few people starting the process to build a team to bring to Leticia.
As always our time in Canada sizzled by and we returned to TN. The yeah duck here is that we were entering wedding week of our youngest daughter, Nicki. Last year she got engaged and has spent the last several months planning her wedding. Since we were not able to be a part of the initial phase, it was nice to come in on the end to help her with some work they were doing on the house they had just bought and other last minute things. Sept. 29th was the big event and it really was majestic. How great it was to be able to bring friends and family together to celebrate the marriage of two people that now unifies us all.
The yuck duck here is that as we celebrated the joining of Ben and Nicki, Ira's grandson, Olsson, remains in critical condition at the IWK Children's hospital in Halifax, NS and faces uncertainty in several areas of health. Last month, Olsson was born premature weighing 1lb 11oz. At first he remained stable with a bad day here and there. Recently he has had major set backs. He has needed to have a PDA ligation which is a procedure to fix the patent ductus arteriosus. This is a duct that usually closes after birth but being premature it is putting pressure on his undeveloped lungs. While waiting for him to be stable enough for the surgery, he developed thrombosis in an artery to his hand. The clot was so bad it cut the circulation off to his hand and his fingers turned black. The tissues are very thin right now and they aren't sure what or if long term damage has been done to his fingers. To top it off, now he is on blood thinners for the clots and can't have the heart surgery. A true reminder to how fragile he is and that we do have to take this part of the journey one day at a time. The only thing that brings any peace to this is knowing and trusting that Jesus already has a plan for his life.
So that sums up our month with a 'pair-o-ducks.' We ask that you please keep Olsson and his parents, Mitchell and Kayla in your prayers. We would also appreciate your prayers as we continue preparations to move. We will keep you posted as plans come together and dates get finalized. Again, Thank you all or should I say all y'all for your continued partnership in this service that God allows us to be a part of!
So that sums up our month with a 'pair-o-ducks.' We ask that you please keep Olsson and his parents, Mitchell and Kayla in your prayers. We would also appreciate your prayers as we continue preparations to move. We will keep you posted as plans come together and dates get finalized. Again, Thank you all or should I say all y'all for your continued partnership in this service that God allows us to be a part of!