Levi Youth Group

Recently the Pan de Vida Youth Group, The Levi, did an outreach following a conference about Compassion.  Guest Pastor, Miguel Carrozco, came to Pan de Vida and talked to the youth about showing compassion in times of suffering.  Discussing how Jesus, in the midst of his own suffering on the cross, was still very compassionate to others.  Therefore, we too, in our own suffering can care for others who hurt thus taking the focus off ourselves and pouring in onto others.  He went on to explain 5 stages people go through when suffering, which are denial, anger, negotiation, sadness/depression and acceptance.  Then he discussed consolation during these times.  The youth were very impacted by the conference and testimonies he shared during it.

That weekend the youth followed up by doing an outreach to a local emergency room to show compassion on those hurting physically and emotionally.  A flyer was prepared based on the information from the conference to share the message of God's plan and hope for people in the midst of their suffering.  They distributed these along with sandwiches, pastries and coffee to those in the waiting room.

The on-site police and staff were very receptive to the youth group and curious to details of the mission and Pan de Vida Orphanage.  The youth also gathered prayer requests as they visited with the people.  Later the team gathered outside and divided into groups and prayed for all the requests and people in the emergency room.  Several shared testimonies on how grateful the people were and expressing blessings for their service.  Our prayer is that the people will understand God's message of salvation through the care he sent them during this time.

2 Corinthians 1:7  And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.


Growing in Christ

"Growing in Christ" is the current Pan de Vida Sunday School Curriculum that began 3 months ago.  Our motive is not for the kids to just go to Church and Sunday School as a part of the routine but to actually absorb what they learn about Christ and have a desire to grow in the Word.  To make it interesting, each class has memory verses, work sheets, games etc that have been used as tools for each lesson.  Then at the end of every trimester, a Sunday School Quiz is held in the auditorium.  This stirs a healthy competition within the kids to learn more to know more and feel good about themselves in the final result.

This past week marked the end of the 1st trimester where the quiz was given and each class competed in front of 4 judges.  The kids were all nervous and excited about the event.  There were winners from each class for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.  At the end of the competition, the winners were recognized for their achievement by being prayed for.  It will be fun to see how much more effort everyone will put into the next semester.  It is so fun to see the kids get excited to know more about God by studying The Word!
