At Pan de Vida, the children are out of school 2 weeks for "Spring Break." The 1st week is Holy Week leading up to Good Friday and Easter. The second week, we were blessed to have a team from Middletown Christian Church of Louisville, KY come and lead a Daily Vacation Bible School. They worked directly with Elena and Paco, who lead the Levi Youth group to pull it all together.
We had one night where we all gathered in the auditorium and each child of Pan de Vida was given a photo and prayer letter from a child of the team's home church. One of the activities of the DVBS was for our children to write their prayer pal back. After the night of us all getting acquainted, we celebrated Easter and prepared for the week of ministry ahead.
The team went to the 3 neighboring communities to invite children and parents to the event and we had close to 150 visitors. So with the kids of Pan de Vida and visitors, we had almost 200 children in attendance throughout the week. The older children of The Levi Youth Group volunteered to work with the kids in the different areas of ministry. The team and Youth Group leaders did a wonderful job.
The theme for the DVBS was "Thy Kingdom Come" with the messages focusing on The Lord's Prayer. So each day as the children gathered, a point of the prayer was taught and memorizing it was practiced. The purpose is to not just know the prayer, but to know what it means and apply it to our life. So when we pray..."forgive us, as we forgive those who trespass against us," then we need to search ourselves to do that.
There were 10 different groups that then dispersed into craft, outside activity promoting teamwork, small group lessons and learning actions and song. After each group rotated to the stations, everyone regrouped in the auditorium for daily closing and focus on The Lord's Prayer. Then the last day everyone was able to preform the actions to songs that they had learned throughout the week. Everyone was blessed through this week of ministry.
In addition the the DVBS mornings, the team then worked on the Orphanage football field to apply sod. A team from Port Maitland, Nova Scotia built the field 2 years ago, but with the terrain here in Mexico, the thorn bushes took over this past year. Having a new irrigation system, we are equipped to maintain the field so a fresh start with grass will put the teams back in commission. The kids are so excited to see it done that all the older boys pitched in to help.
The next 2 months are the hottest months here in Querétaro, so it will be important to keep it watered properly. On Thursday afternoon, God surprised us with a downpour of rain, which is unusual for this time of year. The field soaked it all in and already we can see fresh springs of green sprouting up. We know the team left very tired but while they were here, they were very fruitful in their ministry.
Matthew 6:9-13
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.