A Performance

Tuesday night before Prayer time, Ana and I went for a walk with the little ones and they were singing this along the way, so the next day I got them to perform for you.  Of course you can tell they are a bit distracted by the attention....but I know you will enjoy it!!


For 6 weeks, Pan de Vida hosted teams and Ira worked with them on various projects.  During that time I went for 2 weeks to Aguascalientes to join a Samaritan's Purse team and do the eye clinics aspect.

I have documented my journey, in early posts on this blog, of how God has taken experience as an Optician and turned it into a ministry on the mission field.  Over the last 5 years, God has blessed me by allowing me to do these trips with different teams and individuals from all over North America and we then meet the host country partners and build relationships with them as well.

The eye clinic is a very cost effective ministry.  The glasses are donated by millions of individuals.  Most of what we use, goes through the Lion's Club.  The glasses are then sent to a men's prison where a group of men have come to know Christ as their Saviour, but due to the consequence of their sin, they are in prison.  However, the instruments necessary to read the prescriptions have been provided to them so they too can have a ministry.  They evaluate the glasses and package them accordingly and the glasses are then sent to a warehouse.  When Samaritan's Purse prepares for a trip, they obtain the stock necessary from this process.  

The eye clinics are a basic means for the mission.  We partner with local Pastors and ask them to arrange them in poor or secluded areas.  Our prayer is that God will work through the clinics to reach the people and build realtionships with the partner and eventually plant churches and help the people grow spiritually into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

One of the areas of this trip was to a place where the locals make bricks for a living.  They are a very humble community.  They do not believe in birth control so it was not uncommon to see every 15 year old pregnant and 16 year olds with their 2nd child.  The people work very hard and in bad conditions for very little money.  The children are filthy from lack of washing facilities.  Even when we walked the area to meet some of the people, the kids cried from the fear of seeing strangers.  

Many of the men would not come to clinic.  We suppose it was due to the work but also the fact that they are private and are not as open to people coming in to give handouts.  As I mentioned, they work hard, so I am sure some pride comes with them wanting to be the providers for thier family.

A soup kitchen and a community center have been built nearby and this has opened many of the locals hearts to the care others have to help them.  They have Sunday school classes and many are learning to get their education.  Hygiene has also been improved for many.  It was great to see that many enjoy the fellowship in many ways through that facility.

We also did an eye clinic at a men's drug and alcohol rehabilitation center.  The locals had been very resistant to having the church build it in thier community.  They did not want drug addicts in their neighborhood.   However, after the day of the clinic, many shared that they had changed thier opinions of the men. As they waited and learned more about the rehabilitation center, they saw that it was a good thing.  Also, many people were interested in knowing when church services were as well.

The host church had arranged other ministries for that day and distributed Samaritan's Purse shoeboxes.  They also used the Evangelism Explosion Cube of salvation may times to teach people about Jesus while they waited.  We had a constant prayer room as well.  We could really feel the presence of God in the clinics and we all know it was because the people prepared and prayed for them in advance.  We now pray that the seed which was planted will be watered and produce great fruit.

Philippians 2:3-5  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.  Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.



We have just finished 6 consecutive weeks of hosting teams.  It has been a tremendous blessing to have so many people come to serve in so many ways.  All teams have worked on the same projects, each new team picking up where the other left off.  It is great to see it all come together.

The most recent team was from Winkler, Manitoba.  There were many youth which added to the energy of the night time activities with the children.  There was a night that the whole team went out to the hacienda to see the facility God has provided.  Everyone was greeted by a treat prepared by Agustine for the team to share with the boys. Afterward  they had a night of fellowship around a fire.  Hot dogs were roasted and testimonies shared.  What a blessed time for everyone.

I know much of this information is the same but the teams are all different.  Each one brings in dynamics that change the way they interact with the kids and do the projects.  As I have mentioned before, we all have a gift that God has given us to use in a way that will bring glory to Him.  It touches us deeply to know that so many people want to do so much to make the lives better for the children chosen to live at Pan de Vida.

I must not forget to add that we have also been blessed with a new lawnmower and weed-eater for each facility.  This is huge.  When I see the kids cutting the grass with machetes and they are so close to each other, I have to pray and look the other way.  God's hand of protection is evident and his provisions are abundant.  So thank you to everyone from all the teams that have contributed in so many different ways.

Psalm 111: 2-4 Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them.  Glorious and majestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever.  He has caused his wonders to be remembered; the LORD is gracious and compassionate.



It has been a very busy 2 weeks.  The Winkler, Manitoba team left Fri. Feb 13th and the Waterloo, Ontario team arrived that same evening.  I left on the 12th for Aguascalientes to do eye clinics with a team from Steinbach, Manitoba.  You can see much of that trip on the Dulce Refugio blog http://www.xanga.com/childrenofhope For now I wanted to catch you up on what has been going on with the projects at Pan de Vida.

So much happens in 2 weeks, I can hardly believe it!!  The work on the paving blocks and apartments continue. In addition to that, the team painted the inside of the auditorium and hold your hats....the road is finally in progress!!!  YaY...looks like we will have a paved road before the rainy season starts.  What an incredible blessing.  With transporting the boys back and forth, the chances of getting stuck will be eliminated.  Sometimes it could take up to 1-2 hours to get the vans through if they got stuck.

It was again a blessing to have Waterloo team return with some new members and the ones that couldn`t come were missed.  In addition to their work, they spent quality time with the kids.   Agustine hosted a supper at the hacienda for the team to eat with the boys.  Afterward, they had a time of volleyball then hot dog roast and testimony time.  Boys can sure eat...haha!  

I know this was a tremendous encouragement to Agustine and Geno as they supervise over 60 boys.  It seems that much emphasis has been placed on finishing Pan de Vida and now with the hacienda, there is so much work to be done there as well.  Logistics are still being worked out but in the meantime, we are seeking balance between the 2 facilities.  The boys loved having the team come to play and eat with them and the team was blessed to get to know the boys and how they live.