
We had teams from Manitoba at both Orphanages of Children of Hope. Pan de Vida hosted a team from Winkler, Manitoba while Dulce Refugio had a team from Steinback, Manitoba. Both teams had members that had previously served plus there were also new members along as well. While Ira worked with the team at Pan de Vida, I was able to do eye clinics with the Steinback team in different locations around Aguascalientes. We were both very blessed to serve with these brothers and sisters of the faith.

Since we were in different places, Ira had the camera to capture the project and activities at Pan de Vida knowing that Jeremy would keep everyone updated on the progress of the work projects in Aguascalientes We were both very blessed and we actually got to spend a weekend together as the Pan de Vida team traveled to Aguascalientes to see the work-site and have a BBQ and then going to Guanajuato to see the sights and allow the teams to pick up some local crafts and jewelry.

After being away for 2 weeks, I was amazed to come back and see all the work that had been done. Interlocking bricks were placed behind and along one side of the boy's dorm. Lots of concrete was poured along the fence...which if you have been here and done concrete work, you know it is very physical labour. Also behind the girls dorm, more bricks and trenching were worked on to help keep privacy for the girls and allow better drainage for the washing facilities.

Plus there was a room in the girl's dorm that had not been completed and was being used for storage and a “make-shift”sewing room. Now it has been completely finished with ¾ as a completed sewing room for the girls and a small room, bathroom and sitting area for longer term volunteers. Also many curtains were made and the kitchen looks so spring like. I noticed it right away when I walked in.
It is very exciting for us to see so much work get done to enable us to do the work here.  We truly see the fruits of the work here.

morning devotions

interlocking the bricks
labour of love

sewing curtains

building a cabinet for the kitchen 

cement work~brutal 

making progress 

putting in a wall 

Olympic games in Aguascalientes 

one of the competitions 

frisbee game in the competition

the Champions 

Winkler and Steinback teams with kids of Dulce Refugio

Team Winkler Manitoba

A team from Winkler, Manitoba was the first group here for 2008.  A team from Winkler had been coming each year for the past 5 years while Pan de Vida was in it's infancy of being built. This year a few of the group decided to come and make it a family event.  So everyone in the group is related in one way or another.  

As they come now and are staying in the visitor's dorm, they say it is really exciting to see the fruit of the labour and work projects.  In 2003, when they first started, only the boys dorm had been started and the girls were still living at the older facility.  

The project this year was to help us prevent flooding.  Since our arrival last June, we learned very quickly how vicious the rainy season can be.  The school is a bit lower than the rest of the facilities and is near to the road.  Last year, Ira and small groups worked to re route the water and build drainage ditches.  Just when the project was functioning, the road near the entrance was redeveloped.  They removed trees that sheltered the entrance and built the road higher and right next to the fence line.  Knowing that this would cause the water to run directly onto the property, we felt it a priority to prevent school flooding.

The team worked cement work the whole 2 weeks.  It is very hard work with the shoveling of sand and rock.  They were able to get about a 1 foot high concrete border along the bottom of the fence and on each side of the entrance gate.  It will be a true blessing to Pan de Vida as the rainy season will be here before we know it.  

The team also had fun times as a family to see some of the local sites, cooking their own meals, playing pranks on each other as well.  The night after church, they had a pizza party and fireworks for the kids.  It was a very exciting way to leave a memory with the children and us.  

For us, 2 weeks is such a short time and it seems we are just getting to know the groups and individuals when it is time for them to leave.  However, the work they do will be a visual reminder of the love the have to serve God and help these kids in their everyday needs.  I am reminded of the scripture Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.