Making Tortas

The classes in the school each prepared some sort of skit or event that represented the historical Mexican Revolution.  They also had a competition between classes to see who could make the most creative and delicious torta (a large submarine sandwich).  Here are some of the pictures of the events and tortas.  The kids and adults had a blast for sure! 


Dressing Up

Today at school the kids dressed up to commemorate the Mexican Revolution.  They have been studying the historical aspect, so today was a fiesta time to wrap it all up.  They were so cute, I couldn't pass on posting photos for you!! 


November 20th

November 20th is the anniversary of the Mexican Revolution.  Each colony holds a parade to commemorate the event.  The children at Pan de Vida were privileged to march in the nearby colony of El Pueblito.  Since there are more kids than the 2 vans will hold, Ira took some of the older ones in the back of the truck.  It was an exciting time for the kids to get out to see all the different schools participating with floats, bands and dancers. 



Rene Platini from Querétaro has been volunteering his time to coordinate a choir with the children of Pan de Vida who are interested.  It turns out that about 40-50 were willing to make the commitment.  The kids in the choir are anywhere from 5-18 years old.  Since June, Mr. Platini has been teaching the children vocalization and songs 2-3 days a week.  Each practice lasts a little over an hour.  In August, his car broke down but he faithfully came to Pan de Vida to continue the practice with the kids, even walking a few miles to catch buses.  

He has arranged for the kids to do a performance at an auditorium in Centro Querétaro.  They will be singing for bands that play different music and have been provided matching shirts as concert uniforms.  One band will be an orchestra and one of the other bands is a group of 4 men that specialize in Beatles songs.  The kids were even taken to an establishment that focuses on the music of the Beatles and collects their memorabilia.  This was a day that was definitely like chocolate eruption after a meal.  They have attended practices faithfully and worked very hard to grow in what they are being taught.

This past week, the group has been gong to the actual auditorium to do their practices and will go each week until the event which will be Dec 8th.  Ira drives one of the vans to transport them.  He says you can feel the energy from them as they are anxious and excited at the same time.  Ira was even amazed at the size and seating available of where they will be singing.  We are so thankful God has allowed the children to be a part of something so big that makes them feel so special.  We are also thankful to the faithfulness of Rene Platini in his service to make this happen for the kids.

Rene Platini at Pan de Vida with the choir 

the kids practicing in the kitchen

at the auditorium in Querétaro

view from the kid's perspective

 I couldn't resist~treehouses bring back fond memories for me and this is where we find a few of the boys

Life lately

On Sunday, we attended a church in Querétaro that has English services.  The name of the Church is Rosa de Saron (Rose of Sharon).  They have Spanish services as well, but the English service is mostly attended by other missionaries who speak English.  We are very excited to get to know more of the people and hopefully get involved in some of the Bible Studies as we continue to learn Spanish.  The church does not have a regular Pastor at this time and have had different people week to week fill in.  This week the speaker was Scott Yingling, a missionary/church planter with CAM International.  He and his family live in San Juan del Rio which is about 30-45 minutes from here. 

The group is small and the services are very informal.  There are always visitors since some missionaries are here anywhere from 1 week to several years.  As we went around and everyone introduced themselves and why they were in Querétaro, I started to question my role in the Kingdom of God.  Some were there to teach in seminary schools, others are church planters, some do music and are coordinating choirs while some do Christian counseling, etc.  My question was, "Am I really a disciple for Christ?" God quickly reminded me of scripture~the inspired writings by God Himself~alive and active.  1 Corinthians 12:12 One Body, Many Parts 

We all combine to make the body of Christ and do service.  Some of the parts are external and seen and some internal and unseen.  However, they all have a function and actually the body parts unseen can be the real heartbeat of the ministry.  When a Pastor has to prepare his sermons, do visitation, funerals and meditate the spirit, most of the time we forget that he has the time and is able to do so because he has a wife that makes his meals, looks after the kids, cleans the house.  That is just an example but I really felt like I should say thank you to everyone who contributes to the service of God.  Whatever you do, it is important!!  We are the Body and I am so thankful that I have tongues, toes, ears helping me in addition to hearts.

I am sorry that so much time has gone between my posts.  I kept putting it off until I could have time to sit and write and as usual a day turned into a week then turned into 2 weeks.  I am sure many of you can relate.  I wanted to post some pictures that relate to how the body of Christ works together for His service.  Construction is progressing at the school and soon I will post an update on the new Youth Group that started this past Saturday. 

preparing to finish the edges of the roof of the new school addition

transferring the bricks to the roof~team work

Melchor soaking the bricks

 Alma and Lupita preparing carrots to juice 

mowing the grass

Sabino, Chave, Maricela and Gustavo on break from football practice

 Rogelio snatched my sunglasses and Ira cheers him on

Ira passing out "dulce" candy to Erik and Tadeo